General remarks
The catalogue of exercises is divided into two categories: Injuries and Illnesses. The sub-categories allow a selection of exercises relevant to the different injuries and illnesses. The sub-categories are as follows:
- Injuries of: Lower limbs – upper limbs– trunk including lower limbs – trunk including upper limbs
- Illness: Headache – menstruation – feeling sick– cold infection without fever – allergies
Furthermore every exercise is classified according to five core movement capacities or is intended for relaxation purposes. These capacities are identified by the following colours:
- Red: Strength
- Yellow: Flexibility
- Blue: Endurance
- Green: Co-ordination
- Pink: Relaxation
In order to ensure that all the recommended exercises are practised correctly, appropriate exercise variables (e.g. intensity) are listed. All exercises should be practised with a smooth and regular rhythm and, if possible, alternately on both sides of the body. For clarity all the exercises have been named and numbered.
Using the programme with or without online access
Online usage of the programme:
The content on the website matches the information in the written material. If online access is available pupils can practise the exercises recommended by the teacher with the help of the video-clips.
Programme usage without online access:
All exercises can be downloaded and/or printed as a pdf document under ”Materials” on the website. They can be selected either using either the main or subsidiary categories. It is recommended that print-outs should be compiled in a file or folder.
Supplementary Information
Exercise variables
By modifying the following exercise variables different training effects can be achieved:
- Load
- Number of sets
- Number of repetitions
- Activity rhythm
- Rests
- Number of exercises
- Supercompensation/recovery time
Qualitative criteria
The qualitative criteria serve to determine how the exercises should be performed and when they should be terminated. If movements do not meet the required criteria anymore pupils should have a short rest.
List of qualitative criteria:
- Correct starting position
- Correct finishing position
- Activity rhythm
- No loss of muscle tension
In order to ensure that an exercise is effective and improves the pupil’s performance the intensity has to be high enough to trigger fatigue followed by supercompensation. The level of fatigue can be judged by applying subjective and objective criteria.
Subjective indicators of fatigue (personal interpretation)
- Feeling of effort
- Tiredness
- Loss of strength
Objective indicators of fatigue (external interpretation)
- Sweating
- Red face
- Trembling muscles
- Inefficient movements
- Breathlessness /difficulty talking
Rest between sets
The rest periods should be long enough for the pupil to be able to perform additional sets with the required repetitions and meeting the qualitative criteria for that exercise.