“Don’t sit – stay fit“ is a joint project of the Swiss Network of Rehabilitation and Training (SART) in co-operation with the Swiss Association of Physical Education and Sport in School (SVSS) and the Paediatric University Hospital of the two Basel Cantons. It is supported by the Swiss Federal Office of Sport (BASPO).

SART – The mission of the Swiss Network of Rehabilitation and Training is to prevent and rehabilitate injuries to the human neuro-muscular and skeletal system. The members of SART are physiotherapists, PE teachers and doctors who promote the importance of well-founded professional experience, quality control and innovative approaches and treatment methods. Qualified experts provide on-going in-service training and offer current scientific research that is important on a daily basis in preventative therapy, during rehabilitation and in sport-physiotherapy. SART places special emphasis on training with free weights and on medical training therapy. www.sart.ch,

SVSS – The Swiss Association of Physical Education and Sport in School is the professional organisation of Physical Education Teachers and Movement Instructors in Switzerland. Its mandate is to support movement and sport education both in PE classes and extracurricular activities. It offers in-service education for all related topics and also represents the concerns of its members on a political level. www.svss.ch

UKBB – The Paediatric University Hospital of the two Basel Cantons is an independent university based centre of competence for paediatric and juvenile medicine, as well as for teaching and research. The main concern is respect for child and adolescent patients and their parents, as well as providing comprehensive treatment and support. In addition UKBB is engaged in preventive health care and is committed to sustainability, economic efficiency and ecological responsibility. www.ukbb.ch