Physical therapies

The catalogue of exercises is divided into two categories: Injuries and Illnesses. The sub-categories allow a selection of exercises relevant to the different injuries and illnesses. The sub-categories are as follows:

  • Injuries of: Lower limbs – upper limbs– trunk including lower limbs – trunk including upper limbs
  • Illness: Headache – menstruation – feeling sick– cold infection without fever – allergies

Furthermore every exercise is classified according to five core movement capacities or is intended for relaxation purposes. These capacities are identified by the following colours:

  • Red: Strength
  • Yellow: Flexibility
  • Blue: Endurance
  • Green: Co-ordination
  • Pink: Relaxation

In order to ensure that all the recommended exercises are practised correctly, appropriate exercise variables (e.g. intensity) are listed. All exercises should be practised with a smooth and regular rhythm and, if possible, alternately on both sides of the body. For clarity all the exercises have been named and numbered.

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